Saturday, January 23, 2010

Leave more comments!

Lori looks forward everyday to hearing the comments that people are leaving for her, so keep them coming!!

I talked with Mike around 3pm today.  He said that Lori had slept alot today, and is still dealing with nausea.  Even though she is tired much of the time and drifts off to sleep, she still enjoys visitors and honestly I don't think she wants to be alone.  Sometimes she does not have the energy to talk much, but she is comforted by having people there and says that she likes just listening to conversations between her visitors.  The swelling in her legs and abdomen continues to increase and cause more discomfort.  Let's continue to pray for her to be relieved of her pain and nausea!

Mike says he is doing ok, and is glad that his mom is here.  He has to work tomorrow, so will not be able to attend church, and he's very dissapointed about that.   I wish there was a way for both he and Lori to come!  I know they miss it terribly, so we'll just have to bring church to them!  Lori has been comforted and encouraged by those who have come and read scripture to her and prayed with her. 

Vikings game tomorrow!  And Lori is ready!  See??

I'm not sure what the plan is, but I know Lori has been excited about the game and would love to watch it with friends!  Hopefully she will be feeling good tomorrow and can enjoy it....maybe a phone call tomorrow afternoon to see how she's feeling would be good before we all invade? 


  1. Hi Lori! I miss you! I ended up working this morning so I didn't come in to see you this evening. I missed seeing you! I am praying for you and I am praying that God's peace would be a constant in this time, even when everything else seems to change. Love you Lori! Natalie Misar

  2. Hey lori you might not remember me but I am praying for you everyday me and my mom miss seeing you and talking with you

  3. Hi Lori
    Roger and I had to go to Rochester to pick up some prescriptions and groceries. When we got home, I made some chili and salad for a night with Katie and Scott, Kenzie, Kayla, and Allaynna, Kim and Devon. We watched the movie "World Trade Center" and the kids played really good with play-dough and cardboard and string "sewing". We are all thinking of you all the time and praying for God to comfort and bless you on this journey. BTW, LOVE the nails! <3 you

  4. Hi, Lori. Last night was the OMC Holiday Party. At our table we had Linda and Mel, Kris, Marla, and Vernelle. We had a great time talking about past parties where you were with us and how your mom was my date for so many years. She really enjoyed coming to the party with you and Mike. So many good times and wonderful memories. Well, I hope that you an enjoy the Vikings game today and that it turns out positively for Minnesota. I'm always thinking of you and laughing about the silly things you have done over the years -- like calling me while you were on vacation just so you could tease me about getting a tattoo. Shame on you, little sister. Love, Geri.

  5. Go Vikes.....
    Lets have a good day Lori.
    Robin Stearns

  6. Good Morning Lori, Love the nails! My thoughts are with you. Thinking about the pictures of your trips and animals you shared with us in the office and the excitement you brought to transcription meetings. Let's hope the Vikings have victory today. Wouldn't that be sweet. Should be a good game. Can't wait. All of us in the office are thinking of you often. You take care. Monica

  7. It's Ok to let go mom and dad are waiting for you when you get there tell her that i love and miss her. Love you so much. Laurie

  8. My dear "sister" I love you with all my heart and will miss very much. You have all been there for me and I know you will be watching over me.
    Give my mom a smooch for me.
    love Sherry

  9. Lori...I just want you to know you have been in my thoughts and prayers since the last hug I got from you the day you told me the news. You are an incredible and strong woman, and I have been so blessed to have had you as part of my life. I'm not good at finding the right words for situations like this, so I just want to say.....We love you, and you will never be are headed for a beautiful place, and someday we will meet again.

  10. My Dear Lori,
    This world was better having you in left us with so many wonderful memories that I will cherish forever. How can I say what is in my heart without just rambling on. I am so glad that we had that talk together before you got so tired & it was hard for you to talk. Thanks for showing me how to really live life & thank you for showing me how to be courageous in death. I can not be sad, I can only imagine the reunion that is taking place with your mom & dad & Rugrat & Greyson & all your family & of course Jeff. God needed a special angel & He picked you!! I remember how uncomfortable you were & when I seen you this morning you looked so peaceful & beautiful...Praise God ! No need to worry about Mike, he will always have his church family & God will guide us all. You enjoy your new life hon, tell your mom hi for me & thanks for letting me be your MaMa D..I am so proud of you Lori. Rest in peace now & we will see each other again when God chooses. Love you forever & thanks for always just being you, Lori! Your MaMa D.
