Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Leave Lori and Mike a comment!

There is no internet access in Lori's room, only around the corner and down the hall.  For some reason, St. Annes frowns on the idea of stringing 50 feet of cords from Lori's room so that we can hook up her laptop.  Hmmph. 

Soooo, I am printing out this blog and all the comments people have been leaving and I will bring them to her each day.  Please keep leaving her comments of encouragement, memories, and love and know that they will get them!!



  1. Lori - First let me say I love your renewal pics. You are SO beautiful. Your spirit shines.
    Second, I think of you daily, and pray that the peace, that passes all understanding, will be your constant. We are so wonderously made, aren't we? Made to endure and yet eternal, our Lord Jesus has given us His Spirit for such trials as you are experiencing. A friend back in Indiana sent me this and I wnat to share with you,Lori.

    God has caused the flowers to blossom at certain specified times during the day, so that Linnaeus, the great botanist, once said that if he had a conservatory containing the right kind of soil, moisture and temperature, he could tell the time of day or night by the flowers that were open and those that were closed!

    Thus the Lord in His wonderful grace can arrange the life that is entrusted to His care in such a way that it will carry out His purposes and plans, and will be fragrant with His presence.

    Lastly, Mike - Your devotion to your wife, your love for Lori, it is witnessed. It is admired and respected.

    With great compassion and fervent prayer - God BLESS your day.
    Love, Susan Krohse

  2. Lori,
    I hope that you are able to feel all the love that you have given to those of us blessed enough to know you coming right back to you.

    You have always seemed to enjoy my "Quote of the Day", so this one is for you: "Material things can't make the soul whole. Only the love, trust, and loyalty of friends can do that."

    Your soul is definitely whole.

    Love you,

  3. Lori - I posted a comment this morning, but I do not see it on here. I just want to know that you and Mike are in my prayers always and we all love you so much. Miss your smile! Miss you!

    Patty Schreiber

  4. Lori: You don't know me, but I am a friend of Lisa and you are so beautiful!!!! I am praying for your pain and nausea to cease. God Bless you and your family.
    "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope
    comes from him" Psalm 62.5

    Love and hugs
    Debby Penzkover

  5. My Sweet Lori~

    There are few words that can be written that would express the impact you've had on me. God brought you into my life through my profession but only He knew the true friendship that would evolve. You have been the bright spot for so many and a true Godsend for the masses, including me.

    He chose Caden's birthday to coincide with the very same day you were born and that is no coincidence. You are an angel with wings that may not be visible to the human eye but make no mistake, your wings are real and envelope the lives of all of us.

    We have laughed together and cried together. Your unsurpassing kindness and gentle reassurance have given peace to those who know you and have loved you for many years.

    My prayer for you now, my sweet angel is that God will show you what you have shown all of us; that He is real and loves each and every one of us without condition. That's what you've shown me.

    Your "children" know how much you love them and they will carry you in their hearts throughout their lives. The love you've so freely given will reach beyond what you could have ever imagined.

    I love you, my friend! Betsy Singer Quattrin

  6. Lori and Mike,
    Your are in my thoughts and prayers many times throughout the day. Lori - You are an inspiration to all of us in how you are dealing with all that you are facing. I am very thankful for your friendship and have many happy thoughts and memories of times we have shared together. God has used you to bless many of us with your faith.
    Sue Schmeling

  7. Lori and Mike,

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you daily.

    Craig and Renae Hartman

  8. Lori,
    Hopefully my post will work. I tried earlier, but I don't think it worked. I just wanted to say that I am thinking about you and praying for you! I am so glad you are finding some comfort at St. Anne's. It's awesome that you are able to get your nails done!...and one more thing - GO VIKES!!!
    Julie Winkels

  9. Lori - I think of you constantly and pray that you are comfortable and not having so much pain. I have to say though that you made my day with the posting about you being excited to get your nails done - definitely brought a big smile to my face (Vikings purple perhaps??). Rest well my friend and keep up the fight.

    Love ya, Marla

  10. Dear Lori, I was blessed to see you Sunday morning. I was sorry that our visit was cut short, but it was more important for your relative from the Twin Cities to visit you at that time. I was glad when Bill showed me this blog yesterday. I want to share this verse with you and Mike. "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."Ps.23:6 My 1st memories of you are with your Mom Lorraine, Lori, Love you, Kay Lorraine Mulkey

  11. Lori-
    You don't know me, but I am a friend of the Howard's. Vince and Lisa are amazing people, and with them, we have seen God's grace. God's grace is with you, as well as our prayers.
    -Kari Marley

  12. Hi Lori and Mike
    Wow, lucky you got to get a nice manicure! We won't be able to see you for at a couple of days because I caught another virus and don't want to risk anyone else getting it from me. Please know that you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Your experience is teaching me that truely life is short and we shouldn't waste time being aggravated with anyone who we really love. I wish I was a better friend to you, and I will miss you more than you will ever know. Love, Priscilla

  13. Dear Mike and Lori, Here is a quote that I liked when I was bedridden: "I am immortal until my work on earth is done," by George Whitfield. A Scripture I ponder is Eccleastes 7:1, "A good name is better than fine perfume, and the day of death better than the day of birth." We will meet again, Lori. Love in Christ, Kay Lorraine Mulkey P.S. Lots of hugs, and a kiss to you, Lori.

  14. my dearest friend, I cannot express in words what you friendship means to me. You are truely a milestone in my walk to jesus. Your warmth and friendship played a big part in it. Will you please tell Jeff I love and miss him, you dont have to tell him how much you have helped me, he already knows. Oh my God I love her so. PleaseMike give Lori a hug. Your sister elaine

  15. Oh Lori I'm so sorry that we never got the chance to meet here on earth, trust me sis we will meet in a much better place when the time is right. When you get to your resting place tell mom and dad that I love them very much and miss them dearly.

  16. Mike & Lori,

    Mike I know this is a hard time for you, just know we are and will be here for you forever. You and Lori have touched our lives more than you know. Seeing how much the two of you love each other and the strength you have together is just amazing, and you will always have that, and nothing will ever take that away.
    Lori, I know you will see this post one way or another...we will love and miss you forever. It's hard to think you wont be around for the gatherings physically, but I along with everyone else I'm sure knows you will be there in spirit, no doubt about it. You are with the Lord now, and you are without the pain and suffering! You will always be in our hearts!

    Shalene, Jason, Jarren & Kameren Eastling

  17. When I was a little girl, my grandparents, Mom, brother and I would go to Great Uncle Ray, Great Aunt Lorraine & Lori's for Thanksgiving in Yuba City for some years in a row. She would play the piano for us, and we played pool in the garage, and I always had to see what was growing in the garden. We would walk down the street to the corner market and get candy (as if we did not have enough food to eat that day) She sure liked licorice. One year, Lori was somewhere else for Thanksgiving, and I was sad. I don't remember if it was the next summer, but one summer I got to visit for about five days or so and Lori entertained me by taking me to the public pool, we of course went to the corner market again, and she would play the piano. I remember all her neat earrings that she had hanging on her earring holder on her dresser. It was during Fourth of July and we had a great time out in front of her house setting off fireworks and watching them going up in the air at the park. I sure had fun with her. She was such a sharing and giving person. Then they moved to Minnesota about 25 years ago. I didn't see her again until my wedding day over 19 years ago. She came all the way out from Minnesota to Sacramento, CA. She took photos of the event and shortly thereafter she sent us a small photo album that she had put together of it. How thoughtful of her. I will always cherish it. After that, we always exchanged Christmas cards with updated pictures every year. That was as far as we conversed with each other. I called her last week and only got to talk to her for about three minutes. She was tired. I wish I called her again one more time. I will miss her. May God rest her soul. I am once again sad that she is not here, but I should not be, because she is in Heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ and her loved ones that have been waiting for her to join them.
    Kelly Beattie-Grady, 2nd cousin
